A new site to get up to speed.

Exclusive Mazda agency with sales and repair service as well as a brand new Bodyshop, Garage et Carrosserie Filisetti SA offers a showroom, an after-sales service, a body shop with a workshop at the forefront of your requirements.
After many years of collaboration and following the evolution of the company, we were delighted to completely revamp their website.
Site Web

A UX facilitating Conversion and Contact.

- Global redesign of the graphic line - in line with the brand
- Technology Upgrade
- Promotion of new services offered through a redesigned UX
- Review of the navigation ergonomics, with a focus on conversion
- New dealership and new services to be promoted

Solutions and technical aspects
- A new website based on Drupal CMS
- A completely revised visual line, creation of tailor-made visual elements
- A UX in storytelling
- Integration of style effects and multimedia elements for a more immersive visit
- Clear and precise call-to-action to maximize conversion
- Integration of second hand vehicles through Autoscout platform
- An SEO strategy and optimization
Ui Kit